Even though women are naturally stronger in the legs, a women's self-defense class will also give instruction for using the arms, hands, and fingers for defense in an assault. The development of these skills will allow a woman to not only become proficient in women's self defense, but assist in the general overall toning of the body. Women's Self Defense in the Military There are no women's self defense classes in the military. Why you ask? The military does not discriminate against gender and teaches women the same self defense techniques as men. Women's self defense in the military usually starts off at book camp. Here after weeks of physical conditioning and indoctrination into the military life style, the women get their first chance at women's self defense classes. The significant other can go with her to women's self defense classes to help bring back her self confidence and self esteem. The classes will help build back the feelings that she can defend her and that she can go out alone with a toolbox of techniques and tactics that will keep her safe. The significant other can supply more emotional support in the way of letting the woman choose where and where she is not comfortable. You would not need a woman's self-defense course if you had a Taser. What is a Taser you ask? A Taser is a non-lethal weapon that uses compressed nitrogen to shoot out tethered needle probes that when applied can deliver an electric shock that will disable your assailant. Women's self-defense experts say that this is the most effective way to stop an attacker in their tracks and could possibly save your life. No matter if you live in an urban or rural area or if you are rich or poor, domestic abuse is apart of live and without the knowledge of women's self defense; you are seeding the problem that you or your children will be harmed or killed. Domestic abuse crosses the barriers of race, religion, or socio-economic status. Every time she walks across an abandoned parking lot at the local supermarket or walks into the parking garage at night to get in her car, she is endanger of being attacked for reasons of sex or money. Women need women's self-defense classes to give her the confidence that she can defend herself and can rely independently upon herself.
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