The trauma of an attack can live you emotionally scared for years. You will relive the moment over and over in your mind. Think what those emotions will do to your significant other or your children. They will have a mother who is afraid of going out of the house or enjoying activities in public. The psychological scars could affect your relationship with your family and even cause friction when they do not understand why you feel the way you do. You want to protect them from the evils of the world and want them to have a better life than you have had. How are you going to protect them in these trubulent times. Women's self defense offers classes and instruction that will not only save your life if attacked, but will you the confidence and the skills to protect and save your children. Using all the extremities of her body the woman solider will be able to take down a man twice her size. With a combination of martial arts and other lethal methods, the woman will be able to take a man off his feet and disable him from further attack. The hand to hand training takes place in about two days, far more women's self defense than you would get in a hour class at the YMCA. Women's self defense offers tips on how to avoid date rape. Meet your date at the location of the activity. Sure, back in the day it was nice to be picked up, but in today's atmosphere of dating, you want to make sure you have a ride home or your date will not abduct you. Another tip is to make sure that you have your first couple of dates at a public place. Use your legs to keep pushing until he is totally on the floor or falling backwards. Finish this famous women's self defense by either kicking the attacker in the groin or placing your heel in his face or solar plexus. Once your attacker is down, run to safety as fast as you can and scream all the way. Even if you have to walk an extra block or two, Stay on well lit side walks and choose the side of the street that has more lights on at houses. If you are riding in a car, before getting in you need to check the backseat to make sure no one is hiding in it. If you are parked in a parking garage, ask the attendant to accompany or at least to monitor your safety on a video camera.
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