Call your local law enforcement agency and ask if they offer the service. Sometimes your YMCA will host a women's defense course which is at a low cost or sometimes free. Check out your local paper. Sometimes a women's self defense course is listed in the community activity section. Just jot down the time and place and make time to attend. As you read through them thinks of how they could apply to specific situations you might find yourself in. It is better to avoid the situation than having to use the physical defense techniques you were taught in your women's self defense course. You will glad you did when you make it through a dangerous experience safely and intact. Since the fight against domestic and women's abuse is such a prevalent issue there, they will probably have the information. It is your responsibility to take women's self defense courses because if you are a mother, it is your responsibilities to not only protect yourself but also to protect your children. Of course if you have any chance to escape with your child, do so immediately. Take your children to women's self defense classes if they are old enough. They have the same chance of danger that you do. Women's self defense courses offer mother and child classes or they have independent self defense classes just for children. Women need women's self-defense classes to give her the confidence that she can defend herself and can rely independently upon herself. Thirty years ago it was not that important to take women's self-defense courses. Your father, brother, husband, or boy friend would protect you from the evils of society. They will have a mother who is afraid of going out of the house or enjoying activities in public. The psychological scars could affect your relationship with your family and even cause friction when they do not understand why you feel the way you do. You will question yourself to why you did not take a women's self defense class.
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