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Krav Maga women's self defense vs hair pulling

A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. Should one choose to learn the women's self-defense required to defend themselves against the unknown attacker, or would that time be better spent learning how to read people and allowing those who are unstable to remain outside of our lives? Draw as much attention to your self as possible. This sounds like a bad action movie but this guy just kidnapped you. Take him out and get away. Run toward the traffic waving your arms and screaming. People may not stop but they will call the police. If you are near a store or gas station, run to it. Even though women are naturally stronger in the legs, a women's self-defense class will also give instruction for using the arms, hands, and fingers for defense in an assault. The development of these skills will allow a woman to not only become proficient in women's self defense, but assist in the general overall toning of the body. The straps can easily be cut and the entire outfit can be jerked down for easy access. The next thing women's self defense advise about in the hairstyle of the victim. They will either go after a woman in a pig tail or a braid that can be easily grabbed to hold the woman down or to direct her head. They are more likely to go after long hair than a woman in short hair. Finish this famous women's self defense by either kicking the attacker in the groin or placing your heel in his face or solar plexus. Once your attacker is down, run to safety as fast as you can and scream all the way. If you learn women's self defense the right way, you are almost certain to escape with less injury and your life. The next phase of women's self defense in the military is bayonet training. Here the soldier will learn how to kill a man using her bayonet either on her rifle or in her hand. She will learn that the bayonet can slash the throat of her attacker by coming down at an angle in a downward motion. She will be taught how to stick the bayonet into her attacker's body, twist it to cause the most internal damage possible, and then pull it from his body. 

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