Blow it loud and long. The more panicked the whistle sounds the more attention it will get from a passerby. Run while you are blowing it. Try to get into your car or a building that is nearby. Do not be afraid to knock on a stranger's door or even enter it without permission if you are being chased. The charge of breaking and entering is worth it if it saves your life. Whether they involve martial arts like Kung Fu or Karate, each defense technique is designed with women in mind. There is no sense learning to high kicks and moves that would take years to master. You need to know what techniques that will save you at the time of the attack. The seminar focuses on just those skills. A loud blast from a whistle can cause the attacker to stop or run away. The last thing they want is to be seen by other people than your self. If the attack is more physical women's self defense will teach you some self defense moves to ward off or disable the attacker long enough to get away or to get help. Carry your credit cards and large bills in your jacket pocket or in your sock. Another trick is to carry your stuff in a fanny pack under your jacket or short. The thief will grab your decoy pocket book and you will still have your valuable in tact. The only reason you would have to use women's self defense techniques is if the thief attacks your person directly. You have a lifetime of memories that are to come. You do not want to take the chance of losing time with your husband and kids. Take a women's self defense course have the confidence it takes to save yourself. You do not have to be physical or be in great shape. You just have to get out there and take the classes. Not only does it sting the eyes of the attacker, but it also causes fluid discharge in the eyes, nose, and mouth in excess. The attacker cannot see because the pepper stings the eyes and makes them burn and water. While the attacker is wiping his eyes you have a chance to run to safety. The pepper spray also causes a massive amount of salvia and nasal discharge to come out of the nose and mouth.
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