When you go on a date you must remember that society has made it a part of most men's understanding that sex will be the outcome of the date. Women's self defense experts state that a man may be more eager to get to that goal than the woman and her signals, both in communication and body language will make him presume that you want the same thing as he does. With these fears beaten, you will be able to enjoy the things that the fear has kept you from doing in a long time. Your self-esteem will rise and you will be a more competent and confident woman after taking these type of training. Your self esteem is important. If you do not feel good about yourself, you will not feel good about what you do and how you do it. Some courses that are offered through martial arts agencies, the local gym, or YMCA, will also serve to help the woman to build muscle or tone up their body. The feeling that one looks better and is able to protect themselves from potential perpetrators, enables the individual to feel confident about their appearance and their ability. If you want to wear a short skirt or low cut blouse to a cocktail party or a nightclub, wear it. Just be aware of where you are and where you will have to go when you want to go home. Have fun at the club, but when it is time to go home ask a close friend or an employee to walk you to your car. That late at night you do not want to walk outside alone. What if you were walking down the street or in your front yard and someone grabs you and throws you in a car. You will probably be bound or duct tapped and sometimes you may just be threatened with a gun or knife. What are you going to do to get out of that situation? Remember in a moving car everyone is vulnerable and the kidnapper really can't keep his entire attention on your and the road at the same time. Women are naturally stronger in the lower body and must not be afraid to use their legs when defending their person. The women's self-defense course will teach the female to kick or stomp on their attacker and when all else fails, run. Building up the leg muscles for defense will tone and slenderize the thigh and give definition to the calves and ankle areas.
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