The best women's self-defense system once you have spayed the pepper spray is the scream and run. The scream will alert people if they are around and running is the best way to get away from the attacker. Women's self-defense experts advise that pepper spray can be attained almost anywhere. The best places that you can find would be at gun shops and pawn shops. The reflex is called a pain withdrawal reflex and it will move in the exact opposite direction that the pressure is being applied. Women's self defense instructors will teach that when you jab a person in the stomach slightly below the chest bone, the attacker will back away quickly or try to turn his or her body away to get away from the pain. Make sure your speed is slow enough not to harm yourself or others. If you are locked in a trunk, kick the tail lights out or at least unplug them so the people behind will not see the turning signal. If you can knock out the lights, stick a finger or stick out the hole and move around so that the driver behind can see. This does not simply mean that a woman needs only to be able to financially support themselves, but also they must be able to physically defend their person. To achieve this, many women need to learn the art of women's self-defense. The achievement of mastering these skills in women's self-defense will not only help the individual to learn basic protection, but build confidence. The statistics show if a man is walking down the street alone and a woman is walking down the same street, the woman has an 80% more chance of being attacked, robbed, or raped than a man. The question is why? Women have been traditionally known as the weaker sex. Most assaulters are men and they see women as an easy target. The classes will help build back the feelings that she can defend her and that she can go out alone with a toolbox of techniques and tactics that will keep her safe. The significant other can supply more emotional support in the way of letting the woman choose where and where she is not comfortable. Later in the healing process, you might want to escort the victim to the site of the attack.
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