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5 Hair Grab Defenses - Women's Self-defense Techniques

The amount of information that the American Women's Self Defense Association puts out in the interest of women is monumental in importance. The ability of a woman to defend herself from possible theft, physical harm, or death is an important skill that every woman should have. A sample training seminar session from the American Women's Self Association consists of four days of rigorous self defense training. These numbers have increased as our society has grown more sexual aware in the media and amongst ourselves. Women's self defense advocates have gathered statistics that bring a new name associated with a different kind of rape. This is called date rape. This attack is common, but it hasn't really had a name until the last couple of decades. Womens Self Defense and Safe Dating Practices The modern world of dating has changed a great deal in recent years. In the past, one would meet a prospective suitor through local activities such as church or through community connections. Now, however, the internet has opened up a completely new world of options for finding a mate. If some one grabs you and you are not that strong, you can outwit your opponent. If they grab your arm, push in the direction that they are pulling. This will cause your attacker to be off balance and you can use your weight to make him even more unbalanced. Use your legs to keep pushing until he is totally on the floor or falling backwards. The trauma of an attack can live you emotionally scared for years. You will relive the moment over and over in your mind. Think what those emotions will do to your significant other or your children. They will have a mother who is afraid of going out of the house or enjoying activities in public. The psychological scars could affect your relationship with your family and even cause friction when they do not understand why you feel the way you do. If you are riding in a car, before getting in you need to check the backseat to make sure no one is hiding in it. If you are parked in a parking garage, ask the attendant to accompany or at least to monitor your safety on a video camera. Carry the keys in your hand with the ignition key at the ready. 

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