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Women Self Defense - 1947

Your local YMCA or women's advocacy groups will also have the information you are looking for. Another source is your states Department of Family Services. Since the fight against domestic and women's abuse is such a prevalent issue there, they will probably have the information. It is your responsibility to take women's self defense courses because if you are a mother, it is your responsibilities to not only protect yourself but also to protect your children. The perpetrator will make a planned attempt that is usually a long or short term decision to take what is not given to him. Women's self defense is the ability to know what actions and words will prevent the potential rapist from making his moves. Women's self defense program like Rape Aggression Defense will tell you that wearing revealing clothing will cause an attempt against you. When you go on a date you must remember that society has made it a part of most men's understanding that sex will be the outcome of the date. Women's self defense experts state that a man may be more eager to get to that goal than the woman and her signals, both in communication and body language will make him presume that you want the same thing as he does. Today, though, the "blind date" can be an individual who has actively misled the woman by falsifying his intentions, past bad behaviors, and even criminal convictions. It is again, for this reasoning, that a woman must be confident in her abilities to thwart off unwanted advances and there is no better way to achieve than by mastering the art of women's self-defense. Why You Should Take Women's Self Defense Classes Why should you take women's self defense courses? Simple the world is not a safe place. You need to know how to take care of yourself and your children in case a person of low reputation choose to accost you for reasons of harassment, theft, rape, or to inflict bodily harm. You could run but you are in heels and he is close enough where you would never get away. Your body, your belongings, your life is on the line. What are you going to do? Pepper spray is the best non-lethal women's self-defense item you can have close at hand. It is small and easy to use. The product is made so small, manufacturers have made it easy to carry with you or keep close by. 

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